Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir will not be dragged into a fight with Malay rights group Perkasa, who had accused her of seeking cheap publicity by supporting the Christians in the Allah controversy.
Marina, who is the daughter of Perkasa patron Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, had refused to comment when she was asked about Perkasa's criticisms against her.
"I don't want to comment about Perkasa. They talk so much rubbish," she said after attending the first National Unity Consultative Council meeting in Kuala Lumpur today.
Bearing flowers, Marina had turned up with a group of people at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Klang yesterday morning as Catholics turned up for Sunday mass.
After the service ended, she handed the flowers to parish priest, Reverend Father Michael Chua, with worshippers cheering and applauding the act.
Marina, accompanied by Sisters in Islam and several other groups, was at the church to show support against threats by Muslim groups who had said they would hold a protest outside the house of worship.
While Marina was lauded for standing up for the minority religion, Perkasa Youth chief Irwan Fahmi Ideris had hit out at her, saying that she should have instead stood by the Muslims.
“As a Muslim, she should be with us to defend the word Allah so that it is not used by the Christians,” he was quoted as saying.
Perkasa also questioned Marina whether she agreed with the use of the word Allah by Christians.
“As a Muslim and daughter of a former prime minister who had championed Islam and defended the Malays, her actions had resulted in numerous questions being asked by Malaysians, especially the Muslims.
“Where is her faith and does she agree that the word Allah can be used by non-Muslims? We strongly condemn her actions,” he said, adding that she was looking for "cheap publicity".
He had further criticised the social activist, saying that she supported beliefs that are un-Islamic, such as fighting for the rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders (LGBT) and being closely associated with Islamic group Sisters in Islam, a non-governmental organisation that advocates equal rights for women, human rights and justice. – January 6, 2014.