INDIA - Church Damaged in Attack
On Sept. 9,2009 : St. Francis De Sales Church in Bangalore, India, was attacked by more than 15 Hindu extremists, according to The Voice of the Martyrs contacts. Extremists armed with weapons broke into the church, damaged window panes and statues inside the church. A house behind the church was damaged. The church has about 3,000 members who attend services conducted in different languages such as Tamil, Malayalam and English.
Following the attack, the church priests, Father Aloysius and Father Selvaraj, filed a complaint with the police. The Voice of the Martyrs supports and assists persecuted believers in India. VOM ministers to persecuted believers by providing emergency medical treatment and ministry resources like motorbikes for pastors. Ask God to encourage the leaders and members of this church. Ask God to protect and encourage Christians in India as they share the Good News of Jesus.